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代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ 金字塔

 第一部分:写一个名为Rectangle 的类



代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ e-Movies


Executive Summary 
This document presents the requirements and preliminary analysis for a system to be developed by a CSCI222 software 
development team. This system will implement the functionality desired as part of a movie management system (e-Movies).  



The objective of Assignment 2 is to provide the students an opportunity to gain experience in the 
design of Windows based applications using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008.  
The lecturer of ELEC362 will allocate one of the project specifications to you.  

代写C语言 操作系统 代做C程序 C++ Processes and Threads


Processes and Threads
Group Work
This assignment can be completed individually or in pairs. If you want to work in a pair find a 
partner from your class. INB students can only pair with other INB students and the same applies 

代写C语言 数据结构 代做C程序 C++ Maximum Minimum Spanning Tree

 KXT201 Algorithms

Second (Individual) Assignment 2009
Standard Level
Due: 3pm 28th
Maximum Minimum Spanning Tree
When Prim's algorithm is applied to a connected undirected graph, it computes (the weight

代写C语言 Unix Linux 代做C程序 C++ Turtle Graphics


Turtle Graphics
 Many attempts have been made to create pro-
gramming languages which are intuitive and easy
to learn.
 One of the best of these was LOGO which al-

代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ search

the assignment is to write a search tool application that can be run from the command line as follows:

./search -s wordsFile file1 file2 ....fileN


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ Programme Design Based on Functional Decomposition




代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ phonebook application


In this program you will have to implement a simple phonebook application.


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ 英文小程序

 Write a program to process a collection of daily high temperatures. Your program should count and print the number of “hot days” (temperatures of 25ºC or higher), the number of

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