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The primary goal of this assignment is to practice thinking carefully about invariants, including


Duration Formatting

 Duration Formatting

The primary goal of this assignment is to get more practice with Java, while working in the context of a simple object-oriented design. A secondary goal is to think carefully about tests and test coverage.


Implementing an RPN Calculator


Basic I/O, Implementing an RPN Calculator, Number Conversion


In this lab you will write programs that use basic I/O, implementing a command line RPN calculator, and number conversion.

a Resizable Table


a Resizable Table, a Linked List, and a Word Count Program.



Processing fish game

 WCOM115 Introduction to Computer Programming



Please read the entire pdf before starting.
You must do this assignment individually and, unless otherwise specified, you must follow all the general


 We have created some scripts that can automatically run your program against some tests. To run these tests you can execute the dry run program with an argument that corresponds to the lab and week, i.e. lab06 for this week. It expects to find all the programs to be submitted as part of this lab in the current directory. You can use dry run as follows:



We have created some scripts that can automatically run your program against some tests. To run these tests you can execute the dry run program with an argument that corresponds to the lab and week, i.e. lab05 for this week. It expects to find all the programs to be submitted as part of this lab in the current directory. You can use dry run as follows:


OOF Assignment

Task 1 – Codes.java (after you read the whole assignment  )Write a Java program called Codes.java that, firstly, prompts (asks) the user to enter aninput file name. This is the name of a text f

Swing account

CIS 304 Project
What to turn in: Use Export Project in NetBeans to export your project to a zip file, name it YourLastName_FirstName_project.zip. Send the file as a single attachment through Blackboard. The subject of this email is YourLastName_FirstName_project. (3 points)

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