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Week 4 Lab - Compression

 Week 4 Lab - Compression

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe idea behind data compression is to make a file as small as possible in order to save diskspace or to reduce transmission time over a network. Compression can save both time and...

Java Revisited

 Week 3 Lab - Java Revisited & Java Documentation

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe last two labs provided an opportunity for students who have never used Unix before toget familiar with the environment. We will now assume that you are up to speed and ready...

Java Revisited

 Week 3 Lab - Java Revisited & Java Documentation

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe last two labs provided an opportunity for students who have never used Unix before toget familiar with the environment. We will now assume that you are up to speed and ready...

Distributed Information Systems


Distributed Information SystemsSemester 1, 2012Course InformationContents1 Objectives 12 Prerequisites 13 Teaching Staff 14 Course Timetable 15 Course Notices and Materials 26 Laboratories 27 Semester Project 38 Practical Tests 4...

Java Language

  COSC344 Lab Page 1 Week 9 

COSC 344 Lab for Week 9  Java Language   Overview  The purpose of this lab is to become familiar with using Java and SQL.  It will help prepare you to do the third assignment.  Task  Use TestLogin.java as a basis.  Change its name to make the program for this lab.   ...

Matrices and Vectors in C++

 COSC342: Lab 02

Matrices and Vectors in C++March 14th 20161 IntroductionIn this lab you will practice using a simple Matrix library in C++. Onlinedocumentation for this library is available at http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc342/docs/matrices/index.html. The library provides two classes, Matrix...

Socket Programming in Java

 Socket Programming in Java

1. Socket Programming in Java1. First, make sure that you have made yourself sufficiently familiar with the labenvironment to create, build and run the traditional "Hello World" program in Java....

Personal Movie Database

 SOFTENG 251 Object Oriented Software Construction

Assignment 2: Personal Movie Database (PMDB)Due: 24th April (end of lab)April 1st, 2008IntroductionLet’s say you are writing a simple desktop application for maintaining information about movies...

Java RMI technology

 COMPSCI334 Assignment 1 1

COMPSCI334 Assignment 1The objective of this assignment is to practice the use of Java RMI technology. Thesystem to be developed consists of one server and several players. When the system isdeployed, the components are expected to be located at different sites....

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 CompSci 230 S2 2015 Clark Thomborson Submission deadline: 4pm, Friday 1 May 2015 Version 1.0 of 15 April 2015: added Timer to Figure 1, adjusted wording of question 1a, corrected label in Figure 2, released hbbv2.01.jar to correctly implement the state diagram of Figure 2, added submission requirements to Q6, ...
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