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 Java Implementation: Part 1 S1 2015 

CompSci 230 Software Construction Agenda COMPSCI 230: Impl1 2  Topics:  Interfaces in Java  Reference data types  Abstract classes in Java  Java syntax: five important keywords ...


In this project, we’re going to pretend that vectors DO NOT EXIST. Instead, you will
build a limited version of the vector template class. Yours will NOT be a template that
deals with arbitrary types (Chapter 16), only a normal class that can handle a collection of

Namespaces Formatting

Complete 2 of the first three programs and email ONLY the cpp files to your instructor.
In each program include in the header your name and student number.
1.1 Create a program that obtains the following values from the user:

cellular automaton crystal growth patterns

Develop a Java program that implements a 2D cellular automaton to produce 12 different crystal growth patterns (defined by Wolfram in A New Kind of Science, p. 373). The update rule for all of these CAs changes a cell from white to black if the number of neighboring black cells is equal to one of the numbers shown in parentheses beside the options given below. The initial number of adjacent black cells (aligned in a row) on a white background is given by the number shown in square brackets. These cells are located in the center of the CA.


Very Large Integer

Objectives: abstract data type (ADT), encapsulation
Integer types are very convenient, but their limited width makes them unsuitable for some applications where precise large values are more important than speed. Develop a class

Composites and Adaptors

Composites and Adaptors

The main goals of this assignment are to gain experience with the composite and adaptor patterns.


Graphics Abstractions

Graphics Abstractions

The main goals of this assignment are to gain experience with the decorator and composite patterns, and to explore testing objects with more complex behaviors. And to get a little more practice with arrays.


Graphical Elements

 Graphical Elements

The goal of this assignment is to build a solid basis for 2-D graphics programming by implementing representations of colors and points. Additionally, you will gain experience implementing larger, more realistic interfaces with detailed—perhaps even fussy—requirements.


Coin Game Strategies

 Coin Game Strategies


Software Archeology

Software Archeology

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