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 Graphical Elements

The goal of this assignment is to build a solid basis for 2-D graphics programming by implementing representations of colors and points. Additionally, you will gain experience implementing larger, more realistic interfaces with detailed—perhaps even fussy—requirements.

2 Getting Started

Before writing code of your own, you will likely want to look over the code that is provided:

  • Boundable.java (Javadoc) contains an interface for querying objects for their bounding boxes. (A bounding box is a rectangle that full encloses something.) You will need to implement this interface for your point classes. The bounding box of a point is the point—or in other words, all four corners of the box are the same as the point.

  • BoundingBox.java (Javadoc) contains an interface and implementation for working with bounding boxes. It is nearly complete, but for full functionality it depends on a point class that you will implement.

  • Color.java (Javadoc) contains an interface for working with RGBA colors, which you will implement.

  • Interpolable.java (Javadoc) contains interface Interpolable, which supports linear interpolation between values in a space. You will implement this interface for points and for colors.

  • Point.java (Javadoc) contains an interface for computing with 2-D points. The interface is parametrized by the type of the coordinates, Double or Integer, though it is intended that Point<Double>s be represented using unboxed doubles and Point<Integer>s be represented using unboxed ints. This is an unusual situation, since a generic class cannot use primitive value types based on its parameter; instead, we must be careful to construct only Point values using the correct representations to match the returned type.

    One unusual thing about points is that multiple implementations of the same interface (Point<Integer> or Point<Double>) must compare equal if their components are equal, but no Point<Integer> is equal to any Point<Double>. When you implement int and double point classes, you will need to figure out how to make this work.

Additionally, you may want to review the documentation for the pixel_buffer framework.

  1. Download the pixel_buffer.jar JAR file containing the compiled pixel_buffer framework and add it to your project’s classpath. Make sure that you can import classes from it. (As in Problem Set 5, how to do this will depend on your IDE, and help will be available on Piazza.)

3 Your Task

3.1 Points

The first part of your task is to write the two points classes, DoublePoint (which implements Point<Double>) and IntegerPoint (which implements Point<Integer>), which represent 2-D points or vectors. Both classes should be immutable and final. These classes have several peculiar requirements:

  • The coordinates of DoublePoint must be stored as doubles, so there is no conversion necessary to return them as doubles.

  • The coordinates of IntegerPoint must be stored as ints, so there is no conversion necessary to return them as ints.

  • If p1 and p2 are both Point<Double>s, then p1.equals(p2) when p1.x() == p2.x() and p1.y() == p2.y(), even if p1 and p2 are objects of different classes.

  • If p1 and p2 are both Point<Integer>s, then p1.equals(p2) when p1.x() == p2.x() and p1.y() == p2.y(), even if p1 and p2 are objects of different classes.

  • If p1 is a Point<Integer> and p2 is a Point<Double>, then it is never the case that p1.equals(p2) or p2.equals(p1).

The goals here are twofold:

  • When computing with Point<Integer>s (resp. Point<Double>s), we should be able to mix and match concrete implementations of the same interface (with the same parameter) without noticing.

  • We should not mix up Point<Integer>s with Point<Double>s, because they can give different results due to rounding.

  1. In a file DoublePoint.java, write a class DoublePoint (Javadoc) that implements the interface Point<Double>. This class must define one public static factory method:

    • public Point<Double> point(double x, double y), which returns a DoublePoint with the given coordinates.

    Be sure thoroughly test your implementation.

  2. In a file IntegerPoint.java, write a class IntegerPoint (Javadoc) that implements the interface Point<Integer>. This class must define two public static factory methods:

    • public Point<Integer> point(int x, int y), which returns a IntegerPoint with the given coordinates.

    • public Point<Integer> point(double x, double y), which returns a IntegerPoint with the given coordinates (but rounded with Math.round).

    Be sure thoroughly test your implementation.

3.2 Colors

Next, we will implement the interface Color (Javadoc). As with the point classes above, our implementation of Colors will use static factories rather than public constructors, which gives the class more control over object creation and initialization. No public class implementing Color is required—instead, you are free to define as many (non-public) classes as you like in order for your static factories to return Color objects.

  1. In a file Colors.java, write an uninstantiable class Colors that defines the following public items.

    • Three constants2:
      • public static final Color TRANSPARENT representing the fully transparent RGBA value
      • public static final Color BLACK representing RGBA black
      • public static final Color WHITE representing RGBA white
    • Six static factory methods that return immutable Color objects:
      • public static Color rgb(doubledoubledouble) constructs an opaque color object from 0.0-to-1.0 RGB components
      • public static Color rgba(doubledoubledoubledouble) constructs a color object from 0.0-to-1.0 RGB components and an alpha component
      • public static Color rgb(intintint) constructs an opaque color object from 0-to-255 RGB components
      • public static Color rgba(intintintint) constructs a color object from 0-to-255 RGB components and an alpha component
      • public static Color rgb(int) constructs an opaque color object given a packed 24-bit RGB color value
      • public static Color rgba(int) constructs a color object given a packed 32-bit RGBA color value

    These six methods are closely related, and as such you should be able to avoid redundancy by having them delegate to each other as appropriate.

    More detailed specifications of these methods appear in the formatted documentation for class Colors. Don’t forget to test your implementation.

Note that because Color is an interface, your implementation of colors needs to interoperate with other classes that might implement Color. In order to preserve your code’s invariants, you need to be careful not to trust the values returned by methods of Color objects that your methods are passed, since they may be from an implementation other than yours.

3.3 Bounding Boxes

I wrote BoundingBox.java for you, except that several methods of class BoundingBox currently throw an exception rather than returning the correct result, because the result depends on your implementation of Point<Double>. Now that your implementation of class DoublePoint is complete, BoundingBox should be able to take advantage of it.

  1. Fix methods topLeft() (line 99), topRight() (line 104), bottomLeft() (line 109), and bottomRight() (line 114) to return the correct points,

At this point, the tests in BoundingBoxTest.java should pass using my BoundingBox and your DoublePoint. You need not write any additional BoundingBox tests.

3.4 Make a Pretty Picture

Use the pixel_buffer framework to write a program that renders something interesting to the screen. Can you do more interesting things by factoring out some functionality, and perhaps parameterizing it? If you make something especially neat, post a screen shot to Piazza.
