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Turtle Graphics
 Many attempts have been made to create pro-
gramming languages which are intuitive and easy
to learn.
 One of the best of these was LOGO which al-
lowed children as young as 3 to learn a computer
 A subset of this language involved a “turtle” which
could be driven around the screen using sim-
ple instructions. The turtle, when viewed from
above, was represented by a triangle.
An Example
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
FD 30
LT 45
Adding Loops
FD 30
LT 45
}The Formal Grammar
<LT> |
<RT> |
<DO> |
<FD> ::= "FD" <VARNUM>
<LT> ::= "LT" <VARNUM>
<RT> ::= "RT" <VARNUM>
<DO> ::= "DO" <VAR> "FROM" <VARNUM> "TO"
<VAR> ::= [A-Z]
<VARNUM> ::= number |
<SET> ::= "SET" <VAR> ":=" <POLISH>
<POLISH> ::= <OP> <POLISH> |
<OP> ::= "+" |
"-" |
"*" |
Using Variables
DO A FROM 1 TO 100 {
SET C := A 1.5 * ;
RT 62
Nested Loops
RT 30
DO B FROM 1 TO 8 {
RT 45
 Don’t try to write the entire program in one go.
Try a cut down version of the grammar first, e.g.:
<INSTRUCTION> ::= <FD> | <LT> | <RT>
<FD> ::= "FD" <VARNUM>
<LT> ::= "LT" <VARNUM>
<RT> ::= "RT" <VARNUM>
<VARNUM> ::= number
 The language is simply a sequence of words (even
the semi-colons), so use scanf().
 Some issues, such as what happens if you use
an undefined variable, or if you use a variable
before it is set, are not explained by the formal
grammar. Use your own common-sense, and
explain what you have done.Assessment
 (25%) To implement a recursive descent parser
- this says whether or not a given turtle program
follows the formal grammar or not. The input file
is specified via argv[1].
 (25%) To implement an interpreter, so that the
instructions are executed. Output is to the file
specified in argv[2]. The graphics could be
done using a .ppm file, as in the fractal work, or
directly to a postscript file. A simple postscript
file to draw a red box is shown here:
1 0 0 setrgbcolor
100 100 moveto
100 200 lineto
200 200 lineto
200 100 lineto
100 100 lineto
Postscript files can be used using ghostview
or xv.
 (25%) To show a testing strategy on the above
- you should give details of white-box and black-
box testing done on your code. Describe any
test-harnesses used. Give examples of the out-
put of many different turtle programs. Convince
me that every line of your C code has been tested.
 (25%) To show an extension to the project in a
direction of your choice. It should demonstrate
your understanding of some aspect of program-
ming or S/W engineering. If you extend the for-
mal grammar make sure that you show the new,
full grammar.
Submit the program(s) and a Makefile so that I can:
 Compile the parser by typing ‘make parse’.
 Compile the interpreter by typing ‘make interp’.
 Compile the extension by typing ‘make exten-
In addition:
 Submit a test strategy report called test.txt. This
will include sample outputs, any code written es-
pecially for testing etc.
 Submit an extension report called ‘extend.txt’.
This is quite brief and explains the extension at-
 Labs as normal weeks 11 and 12.
 Please also fill out a hard-copy of the self-assessment
questionnaire on the web, so that you (and I!)
have an idea of what mark you expect. Leave
this in my room around deadline day. Don’t for-
get to fill out your name (you’d be surprised at
the number of people who do ....)
