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代写Java CSCE 156 Computer Science II 远程写代码debug辅导

代写Java CSCE 156 Computer Science II 远程写代码debug辅导

代写CS161 C++代做




Pattern detection Python


Algorithm for locating a pattern in a data series

The goal is to detect whether a certain pattern appears in the data series. In the following example, the pattern to be detected is a sequence of 4 numbers (see Fig 2); and the data series contains 10 data points (see Fig 1).


File Compression

You are required to write a Java program that reads a text file and compresses itusing the algorithm described below. The compression ratio of a compression algorithm is defined asthe size of the orig

Distributed Computing RMI

The aim of this is to implement a distributed system for a major computer manufacturerand distributor called Banana. Banana builds smartphones, laptops and desktop computers, which are thensold in Ban

python polynomial class

 the aim of this checkpoint to write a python class to represent a polynomial and to use this class to perform simple mathematical operations on polynomials. 

ackdoor Web Server

A critical part of establishing persistence on a system is to leave a “backdoor” that allows the hacker access to the system at a later date, without exploiting the same vulnerabilities (t

Image Retrieval System

   Implement a Simple Content-Based Image Retrieval System   Description:   CSS 490 B Multimedia Data Processing This project is to implment a simple Content-Based Image

Monopoly Game in C

You will be implementing a simplified version of Monopoly called hoarding. The basic premise of
the game is as follows: players take turns rolling dice to move themselves around the board,
buying spaces as they go. If a player lands on a space another player owns they pay the owner


INFO1105/1905/9105You will write the code for a class Assignment which implements the SubmissionHistoryinterface. This interface describes a system for keeping track of student assignment submissions.

Cartoons and Sketches

Name your sketches using your name, the assignment number, and the question number, exactly as in this

代写MIPS LC3 X86 Y86 Systems and Architecture (AE1SYS) Assembly Programming

Systems and Architecture (AE1SYS) Assembly Programming 
1. Write a program in MIPS32 assembly language which reads a number
n from

代写True Basic 代做mae5


  1. Requires at least 20 different commands (15 commands for project #1)
  2. ...

description of communicating objects

 Extended Abstract: Towards a Semiotics of Object- and

Aspect-Oriented DesignJames Noble1, Robert Biddle2, Ewan Tempero3, and David Pearce11 Computer ScienceVictoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand2 Human-Oriented Technology Lab...

Formal Foundations of Programming

 Formal Foundations of Programming - Course Outline

SWEN 224: 2013 Trimester 2This document sets out the workload and assessment requirements for SWEN 224. It also provides contact informationfor staff involved in the course. If the contents of this document are altered during the course, you will be advised of the...

Java reflection

 Victoria University of Wellington

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer ScienceSWEN221: Software DevelopmentLab HandoutThe purpose of this Lab is to give you hands on practice using Java reflection. Before the end of the...

Conway’s Game of Life

 Victoria University of Wellington

School of Engineering and Computer ScienceSWEN221: Software DevelopmentLab Handout (worth 1.5% of overall mark)OutlineIn this lab you will revisit the implementation of Conway’s Game of Life seen in an earlier lab. The purpose...

School of Information Management

 School of Information Management

ELCM 251 Introduction to Internet Designand DevelopmentTrimester Two 2008COURSE OUTLINENames and Contact DetailsRole Name Room Phone E-mailCourse Coordinator Dr Sebastian Link EA 214 463 6813 Sebastian.Link@vuw.ac.nz...

What is Programming About

 What is Programming About

COMP 102 #22016 T1Peter AndreaeComputer ScienceVictoria University of Wellington© Peter AndreaeCOMP 102  2:2Menu• Introductions• More course details• Programs and programming languages...

Week 4 Lab - Compression

 Week 4 Lab - Compression

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe idea behind data compression is to make a file as small as possible in order to save diskspace or to reduce transmission time over a network. Compression can save both time and...

Java Revisited

 Week 3 Lab - Java Revisited & Java Documentation

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe last two labs provided an opportunity for students who have never used Unix before toget familiar with the environment. We will now assume that you are up to speed and ready...

Java Revisited

 Week 3 Lab - Java Revisited & Java Documentation

COSC244 & TELE2021 IntroductionThe last two labs provided an opportunity for students who have never used Unix before toget familiar with the environment. We will now assume that you are up to speed and ready...

Distributed Information Systems


Distributed Information SystemsSemester 1, 2012Course InformationContents1 Objectives 12 Prerequisites 13 Teaching Staff 14 Course Timetable 15 Course Notices and Materials 26 Laboratories 27 Semester Project 38 Practical Tests 4...

Java Language

  COSC344 Lab Page 1 Week 9 

COSC 344 Lab for Week 9  Java Language   Overview  The purpose of this lab is to become familiar with using Java and SQL.  It will help prepare you to do the third assignment.  Task  Use TestLogin.java as a basis.  Change its name to make the program for this lab.   ...

Matrices and Vectors in C++

 COSC342: Lab 02

Matrices and Vectors in C++March 14th 20161 IntroductionIn this lab you will practice using a simple Matrix library in C++. Onlinedocumentation for this library is available at http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/cosc342/docs/matrices/index.html. The library provides two classes, Matrix...

Socket Programming in Java

 Socket Programming in Java

1. Socket Programming in Java1. First, make sure that you have made yourself sufficiently familiar with the labenvironment to create, build and run the traditional "Hello World" program in Java....

Personal Movie Database

 SOFTENG 251 Object Oriented Software Construction

Assignment 2: Personal Movie Database (PMDB)Due: 24th April (end of lab)April 1st, 2008IntroductionLet’s say you are writing a simple desktop application for maintaining information about movies...

Java RMI technology

 COMPSCI334 Assignment 1 1

COMPSCI334 Assignment 1The objective of this assignment is to practice the use of Java RMI technology. Thesystem to be developed consists of one server and several players. When the system isdeployed, the components are expected to be located at different sites....

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 CompSci 230 S2 2015 Clark Thomborson Submission deadline: 4pm, Friday 1 May 2015 Version 1.0 of 15 April 2015: added Timer to Figure 1, adjusted wording of question 1a, corrected label in Figure 2, released hbbv2.01.jar to correctly implement the state diagram of Figure 2, added submission requirements to Q6, ...


 Java Implementation: Part 1 S1 2015 

CompSci 230 Software Construction Agenda COMPSCI 230: Impl1 2  Topics:  Interfaces in Java  Reference data types  Abstract classes in Java  Java syntax: five important keywords ...


In this project, we’re going to pretend that vectors DO NOT EXIST. Instead, you will
build a limited version of the vector template class. Yours will NOT be a template that
deals with arbitrary types (Chapter 16), only a normal class that can handle a collection of

Namespaces Formatting

Complete 2 of the first three programs and email ONLY the cpp files to your instructor.
In each program include in the header your name and student number.
1.1 Create a program that obtains the following values from the user:

cellular automaton crystal growth patterns

Develop a Java program that implements a 2D cellular automaton to produce 12 different crystal growth patterns (defined by Wolfram in A New Kind of Science, p. 373). The update rule for all of these CAs changes a cell from white to black if the number of neighboring black cells is equal to one of the numbers shown in parentheses beside the options given below. The initial number of adjacent black cells (aligned in a row) on a white background is given by the number shown in square brackets. These cells are located in the center of the CA.


Very Large Integer

Objectives: abstract data type (ADT), encapsulation
Integer types are very convenient, but their limited width makes them unsuitable for some applications where precise large values are more important than speed. Develop a class

Composites and Adaptors

Composites and Adaptors

The main goals of this assignment are to gain experience with the composite and adaptor patterns.


Graphics Abstractions

Graphics Abstractions

The main goals of this assignment are to gain experience with the decorator and composite patterns, and to explore testing objects with more complex behaviors. And to get a little more practice with arrays.


Graphical Elements

 Graphical Elements

The goal of this assignment is to build a solid basis for 2-D graphics programming by implementing representations of colors and points. Additionally, you will gain experience implementing larger, more realistic interfaces with detailed—perhaps even fussy—requirements.


Coin Game Strategies

 Coin Game Strategies


Software Archeology

Software Archeology



The primary goal of this assignment is to practice thinking carefully about invariants, including


Duration Formatting

 Duration Formatting

The primary goal of this assignment is to get more practice with Java, while working in the context of a simple object-oriented design. A secondary goal is to think carefully about tests and test coverage.


Implementing an RPN Calculator


Basic I/O, Implementing an RPN Calculator, Number Conversion


In this lab you will write programs that use basic I/O, implementing a command line RPN calculator, and number conversion.

a Resizable Table


a Resizable Table, a Linked List, and a Word Count Program.



Processing fish game

 WCOM115 Introduction to Computer Programming



Please read the entire pdf before starting.
You must do this assignment individually and, unless otherwise specified, you must follow all the general


 We have created some scripts that can automatically run your program against some tests. To run these tests you can execute the dry run program with an argument that corresponds to the lab and week, i.e. lab06 for this week. It expects to find all the programs to be submitted as part of this lab in the current directory. You can use dry run as follows:



We have created some scripts that can automatically run your program against some tests. To run these tests you can execute the dry run program with an argument that corresponds to the lab and week, i.e. lab05 for this week. It expects to find all the programs to be submitted as part of this lab in the current directory. You can use dry run as follows:


OOF Assignment

Task 1 – Codes.java (after you read the whole assignment  )Write a Java program called Codes.java that, firstly, prompts (asks) the user to enter aninput file name. This is the name of a text f

Swing account

CIS 304 Project
What to turn in: Use Export Project in NetBeans to export your project to a zip file, name it YourLastName_FirstName_project.zip. Send the file as a single attachment through Blackboard. The subject of this email is YourLastName_FirstName_project. (3 points)

ITEC102 Processing

  ITEC102 - Introduction to Programing, Session 1, 2016, Assignment 2
Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT)

Processing 代写

  COMP115 - Introduction to Computer Science, Session 3, 2015, Assignment 2
Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT)

Processing 代做

  COMP115 - Introduction to Computer Science, Session 3, 2015, Assignment 1
Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT)

Dictionary Database

Dictionary DatabaseThis is a fairly large program, and you will only haveto implement part of it. You will be provided with the source code for some basic functions, the structureyou can use to repres

代写C C++ cgi Create an online survey

 Create an online survey:The goal is to create a simple online survey and name it - survey.cgi. Allow users to choose at the very least, between two choices (yes or no) on an issue of your choic

wireless phone company

CO SCI 243 Programming 
Your goal is to implement an application that allows employees of a certain wireless phone
company to place customer order.
Your application should:
? get customer information including name, telephone number and address (one field for

ENN523 Advanced Network Engineering

ENN523 Advanced Network Engineering Assignment Part 1: TCP/IP Communications via Socket Programming Version 1.0 on 16 March 20161. Introduction This assignment of TCP/IP communications is a group-of-t

Program description and operation

 As you become increasing familiar with the *nix environment, most programs will have some sort of usage statement if you just run the program with no arguments. Here, we present you the usage st

ECS 40 Program

 ECS 40 Program  Executable Name: CPU.out Filenames (case sensitive): decoder.cpp, decoder.h, instruction.cpp, instruction.h, main.cpp, reader.cpp, reader.h, registers.cpp, registers.h, and

A Simple Dictionary client

 A Simple Dictionary clientTo learn how to make, in Java, a TCP/IP connection and how to exchange data over the connection.To study and understand the implementation of an application level proto

代写LC3 assembly language write program Computer Architecture

  LC3 Quick Reference GuideInstruction SetOp Format Description ExampleADD ADD DR, SR1, SR2ADD DR, SR1, imm5Adds the values in SR1 andSR2/imm5 and sets DR to thatvalue.ADD R1, R2, #5The value 5 i

EECS 281 Letterman Reboot Path Finding


INFO-1156 Object-Oriented Programming in C++

INFO-1156 Object-Oriented Programming in C++Project Description Warp Drive was made famous in Star Trek and represents a hypothetical faster-than-light propulsion system.   The space crafts


 CS 455 Programming Assignment 

In this assignment you will get practice working with Java arrays, and more practice implementing your own classes. Like you did in assignment 1 and lab 4, you will be implementing a class whose specification we have given you, in this case a class called SolitaireBoard, to represent the board configuration for a specific type of solitaire game described further below. You will also be using tools to help develop correct code, such as assert statements along with code to verify that your class is consistent.









   你了解Linux吗?相信现在越来越多的人会说“是”的。那么你了解到何种程度呢?不可否认,目前决大多 数的Linux用户对Linux的了解还处于比较低级的层次,他们可能会几条命令、会配几种服务、会用rpm来安装软件、会操作KDE/Gnome界机等等,但是当他们遇到一些需要编译安装的软件时,面对一些简单的出错信息,他们就手足无措了。要想真正跨跃这些初级层次,你就不可能不去了解一些底层的东西,比如本文要讲到的Linux下的C开发环境以及本文之外的其它操作系统知识。



C语言教程第一章: C语言概论
    C语言是在 70 年代初问世的。一九七八年由美国电话电报公司(AT&T)贝尔实验室正式
发表了C语言。同时由 B.W.Kernighan 和D.M.Ritchit 合著了著名的“THE C PROGRAMMING


 C语言英文题目 C++ Linux Unix 数据结构 操作系统 Socket


C代写 C程序代写 C语言程序代写

C语言英文题目 C++ Linux Unix 数据结构 操作系统 Socket


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ 贪吃蛇 snake


Rules of the game

  • The snake starts at the center of the board, moving north (upward).
  • ...

代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ 金字塔

 第一部分:写一个名为Rectangle 的类



代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ e-Movies


Executive Summary 
This document presents the requirements and preliminary analysis for a system to be developed by a CSCI222 software 
development team. This system will implement the functionality desired as part of a movie management system (e-Movies).  



The objective of Assignment 2 is to provide the students an opportunity to gain experience in the 
design of Windows based applications using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008.  
The lecturer of ELEC362 will allocate one of the project specifications to you.  

代写C语言 操作系统 代做C程序 C++ Processes and Threads


Processes and Threads
Group Work
This assignment can be completed individually or in pairs. If you want to work in a pair find a 
partner from your class. INB students can only pair with other INB students and the same applies 

代写C语言 数据结构 代做C程序 C++ Maximum Minimum Spanning Tree

 KXT201 Algorithms

Second (Individual) Assignment 2009
Standard Level
Due: 3pm 28th
Maximum Minimum Spanning Tree
When Prim's algorithm is applied to a connected undirected graph, it computes (the weight

代写C语言 Unix Linux 代做C程序 C++ Turtle Graphics


Turtle Graphics
 Many attempts have been made to create pro-
gramming languages which are intuitive and easy
to learn.
 One of the best of these was LOGO which al-

代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ search

the assignment is to write a search tool application that can be run from the command line as follows:

./search -s wordsFile file1 file2 ....fileN


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ Programme Design Based on Functional Decomposition




代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ phonebook application


In this program you will have to implement a simple phonebook application.


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ 英文小程序

 Write a program to process a collection of daily high temperatures. Your program should count and print the number of “hot days” (temperatures of 25ºC or higher), the number of

代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ assignment



This assignment requires you to compare two ways of storing and retrieving data records. In order to do the comparison, you must write a program which stores data records in


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ Huffman Encoding

Huffman Encoding

Write a program that reads in a file (argv[1]) and, based on the characters it contains, computes

the Huffman tree.

The output, for an example input file, should look something like:


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ Conway’s Soldiers


Conway’s Soldiers

The one player game, Conway’s Soldiers (sometimes known as Solitaire Army), is similar to peg

solitaire. For this exercise, Conway’s board is a 7£8 board with tiles on it. The lower half of the


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ A Student Enrolment Database


KXT201 Algorithms

First (Individual) Assignment 2009

Standard Level

Due: 3pm 30th


A Student Enrolment Database


For this assignment you will need to create and modify a collection of data from input and


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ assembler


The aim of this assignment is to write a two pass assembler for an extended SIMPLE instruction set. Then write and test programs in SIMPLE assembly. A final part is to write an emulator for the SIMPLE machine (replacing the one provided).


代写C语言 代做C程序 C++ Airways Information System


Project 浏览:329






// Calendar.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//WangBin @2006-10-12
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>



//Wang Bin 2006-06-07
#ifndef SMART_PTR_H
#define SMART_PTR_H
template <typename _T>
class SmartPtr{
    SmartPtr(_T* p=0):m_Ptr(p),m_pCount(p?new unsigned int(1):0)


#include <iostream>
using  namespace std;
void f(const int& b){}


int a[5]={1,2,3,4,5}; 
int *ptr1=(int *)(&a+1); 
int *ptr2=(int *)((int )a+1); 

C++ 代做 C 代做

 代做C 代做C++



C语言 英文题目 代写

 C语言 英文题目 代写



澳大利亚 美国 英国 加拿大 C C++ Assignment

 辅导、代写 澳大利亚 美国 英国 加拿大 C C++ Assignment



C C++ Socket Linux Unix 编程 程序代写

 C C++ Socket Linux Unix 编程 程序代写 







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